Andean Colombian Trio

You will find the audios for Andean Colombian Trio free to download). (All of the audios have been sequenced using SIBELIUS).
Andean Trio
Amor Secreto (Vals)
Atardecer de Acuarela (Bambuco)
Atrapenme si Pueden (Guabina)
El Bosque de las Orquideas (Danza)
CasiCielo (Bambuco)
Confesiones (Bambuco)
Contrapuntisimo (Bambuco)
Corré Pequeña (Bambuco)
Del Tamaño del Alma (Fantasia)
El Duende (Bambuco)
El Peregrino (Bambuco)
El Popocho (Bambuco)
El Perfumado (Porro)
Embrujo de Luna
El Fiel Gaspar (Vals # 4)
Florecita del Camino
La del Cuartico de Abajo (Tango-Milonga)
La Casa de las Tres Palmas (Fantasia)
La Fantasia del Escribano (Pasillo)
La Hora del Girasol (Danza)
Lejos del Hogar (Pasillo)
Limon y Menta (Pasillo)
Locura en Forma de Pasillo
Marchando bajo la Lluvia (Marcha)
Melancolica # 1 (Pasillo)
Melancolica # 2
Melancolica # 3
Mi Guabinita (Guabina)
Mientras Descanso (Pasillo)
Nocturnal (Guabina)
Ojo con los Dedos (Guajira)
El Olor del Laurel (Vals # 1)
Otoño Triste (Bambuco)
Regalo (Pasillo)
Sangre Latina (Bolero)
Serenata Bohemia (Vals)
Verde Verde (Pasillo)
Verde Verde (Pasillo)

Ensemble made up by the Bandola (similar to the mandolin), Tiple (similar in appearance although slightly smaller (about 18%) than a standard classical guitar.) and the popular 6-strings guitar).

Many years ago, the bandola was merely a melodic instrument, the tiple was a rhythmical instrument and the guitar was used to mark the beat. However, through the years, the Andean Colombian Trio has evolved to the point that each instrument is given its own space and lead roles, exploiting the technical characteristics of each instrument.